We are now the proud owners of a rabbit. Yes, a rabbit. A Jersey Wooly to be exact. His coloring is agouti, which is just a fancy way of saying 'regular yard rabbit color'. But really, agouti sounds so much nicer, doesn't it? It makes me want to put my pinky in the air, like this:
And really, saying that he's agouti, or yard rabbit color, isn't quite accurate either. Because, well, I've never seen a yard bunny that's quite this fluffy and cute. He's a little ball of angora fuzz. Which sounds nice, but it tends to turn from fuzz into hard little nubbins of tangled, matted, congealed fur around the back-end and armpits. (You didn't know rabbits had armpits, did you?)
And, (stream of consciousness here) when I say he's a little ball of angora fuzz that makes him sound like a sweetie, doesn't it? Well, let's just say that he's a teenage boy bunny. That should give you a clue to his personality (and get me somewhat prepared for my own male ducklings imminent rise to teenage-ness). And by stating that he's a teenage boy bunny I mean he has aggressive tendencies. And can be quite mischievous. And doesn't like to be corrected. And gets very territorial. And is very very possessive of his food. And does sometimes like to be scratched behind the ears. And has strong back legs and sharp claws.
But there is a cure for all the wickedness. We could get him neutered. That's supposed to cut down on all those aggressive, boy-bunny things that he so loves to do right now. So why haven't we done that? Because holy bunny-crap - it's expensive! I could get 25 rabbits for the cost of getting this one neutered. For that matter, I could get one girl bunny and make a whole army of bunnies and save ourselves hundreds of dollars. Wait, no, that's not the point. In any case, I can't justify the cost. I need to do some comparison shopping - get a second opinion. Or just deal with it. Sometimes he's nice.
But, from what I've read, once he gets past his teenage phase, he should calm down a little bit. I hope so - I don't like being afraid of a 2.5 lb ball of fluff that's confined to a cage. It's like a scene from Monty Python - that little bunny has BIG SHARP POINTY teeth! But really, he's not that bad. The only time I really need to be careful is when I fill his bowl with bunny-crunchies. He has a tendency to attack - thinking I'm stealing his food no doubt. (Mine! My food! Rawr!)
Oh, and most important of all (and if you've made it this far I commend you on your ability to put up with rambling) is his name. What did we name this little ball of wonder-fluff?
Bunderfluff Nibblenubbins!
The perfect name if I do say so myself.