So you know we have three gerbils now, right? I'm sure you're sick of hearing about them already. but there's more to be said...
Like how they all have their own unique personalities. Dusty is the quick, tiny, adventurer - always on the move, sniffing and wiggling and looking to escape. Toast is the timid, reserved one - friendly but not willing to venture too far. And finally, Chippy - the sturdy girl who seems to rule the cage, keeping watch and making sure everyone else is safe. She's also the most prone to nibbling and is the biggest. I think she eats most of what I put in the cage. While leads me to another thing...
Like how I can never tell if they have any food in their cage. As soon as I give them some, there's a flurry of activity and they swarm over the chow. Is it because they are starving? Or just trying to keep the cage neat? Do they eat it all as soon as I put it in there? Or are they storing it away under their flower pot and in their chips? I suspect they are storing some away since they don't seem to be losing weight. I suppose I could lift up the pot and rustle through the chips to see, but that leads to another thing...
Like how every time I reach into their cage to do anything, they swarm all over me as if to chew my fingers to death for daring to mess up their neatly arranged chips. They don't bite. Nothing more than an occasional nibble, but I still get nervous. It's not like I'm one of those people who stand on a chair and yell 'Eek!' when I see a mouse. But still, the thought of those huge rodent teeth always sets me on edge. I mean, what if they were to escape? ...
Like how on their first day home when Dusty escaped. We found her under the bookcase. Thank heavens I didn't squish her when I moved it. It took quite a while to get her rounded up and back in the cage, but between Hubby and Snickers it was accomplished. And then, 5 minutes later, she was out again! So we put her back yet again and watched her squeeze her furry little butt out between the bars. (She's very small, even for a gerbil). Oh! the nerve! So, I went to the pet store and got a glass aquarium with a cover. She's been in there since - and hasn't escaped yet. But they now have a ramp of chips built up in one corner. I think they are planning an escape.
It's a good thing the cat is standing guard to keep them in line.