And recently those bangs have decided to not only schwoop upwards in an alarming manner, but to do so in such a way as to give me the appearance of impending flight. Now, on the plus side, they tend to stick together - that is, when they wildly and erratically bend off my forehead like a leaping gazelle, they do it in a coordinated way - it's like a wave, an orderly sine curve or a standard deviation bell curve - waving off from my head in a way a mathematician would be proud of. It almost looks like I did it on purpose - carefully curled them up off my head like a half of a sweet tasty cruller. But my god! Who on earth would ever do that on purpose?!?!
So, I try to think of the positives:
- It could be worse. Each hair could be going off on it's own path like a twisting nest of snakes. My nickname could be Medusa. (Whew! Narrowly avoided nasty nickname)
- When it rains, it acts as an umbrella, keeping my not insignificant nose dry - all but the tip.
- It gives people something to look at when talking with me. It beats someone staring at a wayward zit, the spinach in my teeth, or the drop of rain water dangling from the tip of my nose.