So we had a long weekend due to the good ol' fourth of July. Aaah. Time to relax and slack off. And I did. With gusto. Now don't get me wrong. I didn't completely turn into a sack of laziness, lounging on the couch, eating bon bons and watching TV. In fact, I don't think I actively watched TV at all (and 'actively watched TV' is quite the oxymoron. 'Actively watched TV' means sitting still doing nothing but watching TV. Which I almost never do. When I watch TV I'm almost guaranteed to be doing something else as I keep an eye on the boob tube - like reading, baking, cleaning, etc. )
But I digress. Back to the topic. I did slack off. But just the right amount. My slacking off consisted of a workout each of my three days off, the creation of several desserts, quite a bit of eating, and one of the most fun things - playing with dominos with the kids. This usually involved me sprawled out on the floor yelling at the cat to stay away as I carefully arranged lines of dominos in intricate patterns on the kitchen floor. It also involved a lot of gasping, some "Watch out!ing and a little bit of "holy crap!ing. Like this:
Kids: Mom! Mom! Make another one.
Me: Oh, OK. You twisted my arm. I'll do one more.
I'd settle down, sprawled with my legs and arms in all directions, my hair hanging down, arranging dominos. The kids would proceed to play very close by with the extra dominos - thing like catch, and rocket, and soccer, and jump-the-dominos which involved a lot of heavy acrobatics right next to, and sometimes right over, the delicately balanced domino contraptions. It was very nerve wracking.
Me: Watch out! You're going to knock them all down!
Kids: Oops. It was his fault!
Me: Holy crap! What are you doing?
Kids: Oops. It was his fault!
Either that or it would go like this:
Kids: Mom! Mom! Make another one.
Me: Oh, OK. You twisted my arm. I'll do one more.
I'd settle down, sprawled with my legs and arms in all directions, my hair hanging down, arranging dominos. The kids would promptly disappear, off doing something more fun than watching Mom play, and more fun than getting yelled at while messing up Mom's toys.
Me: Hey, where did everyone go?
But they all came back running when I called out that it was ready. We got many pictures, several videos and many happy and fun memories.