You see, I would decide to change lanes, so I would press down on the blinker. In my car, and in every car I have ever driven, a slight push on it makes it blink and it continues to blink for only as long as I maintain pressure on it. A harder push will turn it on so it stays on until I turn and it clicks off. But in this particular car, this wild and crazy Jetta, a slight push would turn it on. What I finally realized was that a slight push turned it on for about 5 blinks, at which point it would then turn itself off. But my reaction was,
"Crap! I didn't think I pressed it that hard. Damn thing turned itself on!"
So, I would push it the other way to turn it off. But since it wasn't really 'on', instead of turning off, it would blink in the other direction for it's 5 blinks. And of course I would say, ""Crap! I didn't think I pressed it that hard. Damn thing turned itself on!" So I pushed it the other way.
Are you seeing the pattern here?
It went on like that. With my blinkers going:
Left blink, left blink, left blink, right blink right blink, left blink, left blink, right blink, right blink.
It only took me about a day to realize what was going on.
It took me another couple of days to remember and adjust my blinking habits. Just in time to return the car.
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