Friday, April 8, 2011

Beasts, Quests, Book Reports, the Holocaust (What We're Reading - Part 2 of 5)

  Snickers, 9 years old now, has been whizzing his way through the 'Beast Quest' series. They are relatively short books written by many different authors under the name 'Adam Blade'. There are 54 of them in the series and from what I can see without having read them, they involve the main character going on a quest and battling some fantastic beast. Over the last couple of months Snickers has managed to get through the first 15. Awesome! He is really enjoying them - in part because he likes the stories and in part because he can finish them quickly. At this age, struggling with a huge book for weeks on end is daunting. So, while he could certainly pick something more challenging to read, this at least gets him reading.

He also took a short break from Beast Quest. He had a book report to do for school on a historical fiction book. He chose Devil's Arithmetic by Jane Yolen. Jane Yolen is a prolific author with some truly great books under her belt for children, young adults and adults. (How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight, for one). This particular book is an award winner and is about a young girl who travels back in time to the Holocaust. Sweet Pea read it a year or so ago and really enjoyed it. As soon as Snickers is done with it I think I will read it as well.


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