When I was young we used to occasionally eat dinner at my Grandma's house. One of the highlights of those dinners were her mashed potatoes. My sister and I loved those potatoes. Grandma made the best mashed potatoes in the world! Buttery, creamy, delicious! We couldn't get enough.
We always tried to get Mom to make them the same way.
Mom! Add more butter! Make them like Grandma does!
It was many years later when we discovered Grandma's secret. The secret recipe! Yes! And I'm going to share it with you!
[drum roll]
Wait for it . . .
Here it comes . . .
That's right! Grandma's super fabulous, uber-delicious, wonderfully creamy, tasty and buttery mashed potatoes were from a box.
I have no idea why it was such a secret. I suppose they feared if we knew the truth we wouldn't like them anymore. But to this day I still like boxed mashed potatoes. I'm so weird like that. (My favorites now are fresh ones, made from actual freshly-peeled potatoes and whipped up into a buttery, creamy deliciousness by the Hubster, but boxed are a close second.)
yeah! i totally miss gram's potatoes :)