Yes, you read that right. I resolve to drink more milkshakes.
I got a blender just before New Years. I've never owned a blender before. This is exciting! (I've owned several food processors, but none of them last more than a couple of uses. I must be doing something wrong! Hopefully I'll have better luck with a blender.)
Now I know, most new years resolutions involve eating less junk food, eating healthier, losing weight, being more creative, spending more time with family, getting in shape, improving your life and things like that. All that is important. Absolutely. And I plan to do some of that, but in a more overall, this-is-the-way-life-should-be kind of way. I should eat less junk, not just as a new years resolution that will soon be forgotten, but as a part of day-to-day life, for the rest of my life. Ditto with eating healthier, being more creative and spending time with the family. But for a real, easy-to-follow, OK-to-let-it-slide in mid-February kind of resolution, drinking more milkshakes is a pretty good resolution.
I'm not saying I'm going to drink them at every meal, or even daily. Probably not even weekly, but I'd say monthly is a good goal, don't you think? Once a month for something I really enjoy that is arguably not the healthiest snack. For the last 10 years or so I average about one or two a year. It's time I changed that. A nice milkshake (full of calcium and vitamin D) every once in a while would be nice. Chocolate, vanilla, Oreo, mint chocolate chip . . .
And if I get cold from drinking such a frosty drink, I can always whip up a batch of this super delicious, uber delectable cocoa.
What's your new years resolution?
All-time best resolution. I can really get behind this one!