Now that Christmas is over, it's time to de-decorate. Time to take down all those decorations that took so long to put up. Once everything is down it all looks so bare. (We may need to think about jazzing things up a bit - Sharpie art anyone?)
Remember those awesome little fiber optic trees I spoke about just over a month ago? Well, of course those must come down too. Sweet Pea's tree is still beautifully decorated - ornaments just so, garland artfully draped, bird (ornament) nestled in the center on some branches, fiber optic branches nice and fiber-optic-y. Like new, only prettier.
And then there's Snicker's and Doodlebug's tree. It is no longer plugged in or even near an outlet. All the ornaments except maybe one or two are in a pile underneath, rolling behind the dresser and under the bed. The garland is skewed and dragging on one side. And the branches, oh the branches! The poor poor crooked, crushed and bent branches! Pointing every which way in a flat, squished, ouch-this-hurts kind of way. Poor tree. I think it can be puffed back out into shape for next year - or maybe we'll wait a few years 'til they actually care that it's there.
So, back into the boxes until next year. Good bye trees. We'll miss you, but we'll see you before you know it!
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